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Thursday, September 14, 2017

Talebearing24- Nutrition in MR NIGER CAD The Concluding part

(i). Saprophytic nutrition: This is the type of nutrition in which certain organisms called the Saprophytes feed on dead and decaying organic materials on which they grow. The enzyme so secreted is able to digest some portions of the substrate outside the body of the saprophyte by a process called extracellular digestion. Examples include fungi such as rhizopus, mushroom, mucor, toadstool and penicillium. (ii). Symbiotic nutrition: This is the type of nutrition in which two organisms of different species called symbionts live together and derive nutrients of food from each other. In this case, both organisms gain from such association and none is harmed. This type of nutrition is called symbiotic nutrition while the association between the two organisms in which both derive benefits is called symbiosis. Apart from nutritional benefits, the symbionts can derive other benefits like protection, shelter and reproduction during such association. Examples include bacteria and root nodules of leguminous plants, Algae and fungi in a lichen, sea anemones and hermit crabs, termites and protozoa living in the gut. (iii). Carnivorous or Insectivorous nutrition: These are equipped with devices for trapping, digesting and absorbing nutritive compounds from the bodies of the insects and other small organisms. They have green leaves which help them to carry out photosynthetic nutrition. Examples include Sundew (Drosera), Bladderwort (Utriculara), Pitcher-Plant of the Nepenthes and Sarracenia, Venus fly-trap (Dionaea muscipula), the butterwort (Pinguicula).