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Friday, August 16, 2013

Talebearing24- What You Need To Know About Physics In WAEC/NECO External

        The result you will obtain in Physics is cumulative like the other subjects that is it would be added together. Don't forget that Physics examination is divided into three major parts, namely; Physics theory, Physics practical and Physics Objectives. If you really and sincerely want to pass Physics at the acceptable and appreciable grade in Private WAEC and NECO, you need to focus majorly on the practical aspect of Physics. Don't get me wrong, I am not saying that the other parts are not important but one is more important than the other in terms of marks while it is also very easy to pass if and only if you are tutored or coached by a teacher who knows practicable solutions

to this physics hullabaloo.
      Most students wander how they would pass physics when they find themselves in the hands of half-baked and inexperienced so-called physics teachers. It is not their fault if not because they also want to make ends meet at the expense of the innocent, ignorant and up-coming generation physics students. At the same time, some students are not ready to learn or lazy to learning, but I am assuring you that it is not too late for you to do your physics practical at ease with the sure bet of having your result in it. While there is a problem there is always a solution but the question is how do you find solution to your challenge? Who? Where? When? How? Answer to all these interrogative words is here now! Leave the question alone and grab this opportunity without wasting time, so that you too can be recognized among your colleagues as a problem solver or solution finder when it comes to physics practical to your friend's problems which is highly rewarding. Opportunity comes but once.

Talebearing24- Tips On Mathematics and Some Other Subjects

* Prepare for the examination before the day- sharpen all your pencils and buy your long ruler.
* Keep your examination time-table safely and reachable.
* Dress properly and look nice.
* Go with all your necessary materials needed for each subjects. Don't borrow and don't lend any instrument from any student.
* Go with your Four Figure Table and learn how to use it. Don't take WAEC Four Figure Table to NECO examination or vice versa.
* Be at the centre thirty minutes before the commencement of each subject.
* Go with a wrist watch or clock of any form to the centre- be time conscious in the examination hall
so that you will not be rushing when it is few minutes to the end of the paper. You will be able to plan for your work very well. Take note of the time you are asked to start with the duration of the paper to know when you will stop. Don't wait until the invigilator will tell you when to stop.
* Pray before you are given the paper and asked to start not when you are asked to start that you are now praying, you are wasting your time.
* Listen to the invigilator and obey- start! Start and stop! Stop so that you will not have any cause to beg anybody.
* Read the instructions very well and adhere strictly to them before attempting any question or doing anything.
* Don't talk to anybody in the course of the examination to avoid failure or examination malpractice. Obedience is better than sacrifice.
* OMR Sheet shading - shade very well with the type of pencil required - 2B/HB.
* For part 1 in Mathematics, divide the booklet sheet into halves and write part 1 at the top where you have question, then write the number of the question in the middle of the line and underline before solving the question. For part 2, each question per sheet. This is because the answer booklet may not be enough to answer all the questions so manage your booklet ONLY in Mathematics please!
                                                                                                                       ...wishing you all the best!

Talebearing24- Things To Do To Be A Success In Mathematics

1. Before the Examination
* Having collected your printed examination Photo card,
photocopy or duplicate it into 3 or 4 places so that if one is lost, the rest
will be found. All cannot get lost simultaneously.
* Your Examination Timetable is another great priority. Do not
joke with it. Duplicate it as well and make it reachable at all times when needed.
* Get your writing or drawing materials for the Examination
ready and intact. Do not wait till the day of examination before you sharpen
your pencil.
* Strictly adhere to the examination instructions. For
instance, don't use HB pencil where you are asked to use 2B or vice versa.
* Go to the examination hall with two pens so that when one
disappoints, the other one will not.

2. During the Examination:
* Punctuality/Promptness is the soul of business. Keep to
time-be in the centre thirty minutes before the commencement of the
* Always check your time-table early in the morning to know
the time the paper for the day will start.
* How you dress determines how you will be addressed. Put on
good clothes while heading to the centre and wear good shoes as well NOT
bathroom slippers.
* Watch your hair-style/hair-do. Simple low cut/hair-do is
advisable NOT dreadlocks or the likes. Any hair-style that will make you look
haggard, deadly or unapproachable is inadvisable in the examination hall.
Before going to the examination centre, check yourself and ask this question:
how do I look like? Like a child from a good home, a doctor, an engineer, a
tout, a gangster, a miscreant, a hoodlum to mention a few.
* Do not go to the examination hall with any incriminating
or implicating material or gadget such as knife, gun, handset, scientific
calculator, palmtop, tablet, and the likes. Obedience is better than sacrifice!
* Interact with other people in the centre with peace and
love. Do not be harsh and unapproachable with the little time you will be
together not up to a month. Don't do what will affect you adversely in any
form. Be warned!
* Write your names, subject, date and year of the
examination in capital letters.
* Always write your registration number or your centre and
candidate numbers on your answer booklet before answering any question.
* Write the number of the questions you had answered in the
course of the examination where necessary in front of the booklet.
* In the answer booklet, there is a caption “Do not write in
the Margin" strictly adhere to this so that you will not be penalized.

3. After the Examination:
* Keep your examination photo card safely, specifically your
centre and candidate numbers because these numbers will be used alongside the
result checker to check your result when the result is out.
* After checking your result with the result checker, keep
the used result checker for the PIN and the serial number.
* Duplicate your printed result into three places in case of
any eventuality.
                                                                                                              ... wishing you all the best!